Child adoptions became popular during the 1970s in Sweden. This was regarded as a very kind and noble act, helping an abandoned child who had nowhere else to go. Most adoptions were arranged from Chile. Other countries that offered adoption were Korea and China. However, although adoption might seem like a wonderful act of kindness, this is not always the case. It has in recent days been revealed that many of these children were not abandoned but stolen from their biological families. In a recent documentary made by Uppdrag Granskning, it was reported that a woman called Aja was responsible for many of these kidnappings of children, together with the Chilean government.
Since adoption can lead to stolen babies, this can be classified as human trafficking and modern slavery. Some might argue that adoption always results for a good cause. This might be the case but here are some arguments that go against that.
First of all, children who have been adopted often carry a lot of trauma. Every experience is individual but it has been reported that many of these children have a hard time feeling they belong, i.e. they do not feel like they have a clear identity or that they do not fit into the culture. Some even feel alone and are left with a feeling that their biological parents did not want them. This can have detrimental effects that can stay with a person for the rest of his or her life..
Secondly, adoption can be seen as a white savior complex. White people who cannot have their own babies, think that they should rescue a child through international adoption. Is it true that they will give the children a better upbringing?
Finally, according to the universal declaration of human rights article 15 paragraph two ”No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality” and in article 16 paragraph three it is stated that “The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.” This means that no one shall be deprived of their nationality.. In international adoptions this is not always the case, however, it is still an occurring problem. In the UN:s The convention on the rights of the child it is stated in article seven that every child has the right to a name and citizenship and, as far it is possible, has the right to knowledge about and be cared for by his or her parents. These human rights are often not respected in international adoption. Many babies' papers “disappear” or become “mixed up” once the children are adopted.
In conclusion, adoption can be done for a good cause and with good intention. As you might have noticed, in reality adaptation is sometimes the opposite. Even if it is done with a kind heart, it can bring more harm than good to the child.
By: Matilda Fors & Matilda Davis, Swedish University Students and Do Good Now Interns